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This message will self destruct — more Chief Quimby Disguises

Always undercover, always on duty!

 WildBrain Studios

One of the funniest running gags on Inspector Gadget is Chief Quimby's wild disguises, and an even funnier running gag is seeing how long it takes for Inspector Gadget to notice him. We already covered the first 25 disguises of Chief Quimby, this is the next 25 and they get crazier with every episode. 

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 26 - Soda Machine

Chief hides inside a vending machine, orange Fanta by the looks of it.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 27 - St. Bernard

During The Coo-Coo-Clock Caper Gadget's gadgets malfunction and he gets stuck in the Swiss Alps. Luckily, there is a St. Bernard there to save him and the St. Bernard is Chief Quimby.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 28 - Sailboat

Penny, Brain, and Gadget are at the park during a mini-sailboat festival and one of those sailboats has a secret passenger - Chief Quimby!

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 29 - Mailbox

Penny has won a computer competition and the prize was a trip to Japan! Gadget writes a letter to his niece and as he delivers the letter, Chief Quimby pops out of the mailbox. The mission takes Gadget to Japan so he doesn't even need to mail the letter!

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 30 - Sand Trap

On Gadget's day off, he decided to unwind with a game of golf, and Chief Quimby hid so well in the sand trap that Gadget almost accidentally teed off of Quimby's pipe. 

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 31 - No Disguise?!

This episode, Clear Case, is about diamonds and diamond mines. The mission begins with Gadget investigating a jewelry robbery and Quimby just...walks up and taps him on the shoulder? Quimby wears a fedora and a navy suit, which is different than his normal wear but not exactly a disguise. 

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 32 - Tulip Garden

Penny, Brain, and Gadget are gardening when they discover Chief Quimby buried underneath the tulips! Fittingly, his mission is sending them to the Netherlands.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 33 - Phone Booth

Not exactly a disguise, but an interesting hiding place - Quimby calls Gadget from a phone booth directly outside of Penny's school.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 34 - Dragon Statue

In Eye of the Dragon Gadget investigates a museum robbery and Quimby surprises him from inside of a dragon statue.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 35 - Clown

A man of many talents - Quimby disguises himself as a circus clown to deliver Gadget's mission. 

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 36 - Atlas Statue

In Plantform of the Opera, Quimby is disguised as an Atlas statue outside of the opera house that Gadget was visiting. 

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 37 - Scuba Diver

Gadget and the gang visit the aquarium and, mistakenly, think that Chief Quimby is disguised as a fish with a mustache. Chief Quimby is just standing down the hall from them, disguised as a scuba diver.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 38 - Freezer Full of Turkeys

There are so many places to hide in a grocery store, but ever the thrill seeker - Chief Quimby awaits Gadget in a freezer full of turkeys. 

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 39 - Mirror

I'm talking with Chief Quimby in the mirror! Quimby hides on the other side of a mirror and mimics all of Gadget's movements as he delivers the mission.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 40 - Robot Pelican

Gadget's boat is sinking and Quimby floats up inside of a robot pelican - luckily informing Gadget of a missing ship that eventually rescues him.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 41 - Desk

Sometimes Quimby's disguise is way out there, and sometimes he's just crammed into a desk.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 42 - Doctor

Impersonating a doctor is a crime, Chief Quimby! He even gives the under-the-weather Gadget a shot!

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 43 - LOG

In Luck of the Irish, Gadget finds a four leaf clover and decides to test his luck by jumping off a cliff and into a river. None of his gadgets deploy in time but Gadget floats down the river and into a log that Chief Quimby hides in.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 44 - Fortune Teller

"Hmm, I can see you're a devoted crime fighter about to embark on a dangerous mission." How did he know that?! Oh wait, it's Chief Quimby.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 45 - Tortoise

Gadget, Penny, and Brain are at the zoo when, what's that hiding in a tortoise shell? Chief Quimby with a new mission.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 46 - Duck

This episode is called The Emerald Duck and Chief Quimby is aptly disguised as a green duck!

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 47 - Garbage

Clearly Chief Quimby did not learn from his mistakes earlier in the season, where he hid in the garbage and - shocker - got trash thrown all over him. This time though, Gadget hit all of the tops of the garbage cans with a mallet, violently shaking Chief Quimby.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 48 - Bookshelf

Hiding in between the books at a library! Quimby's nose is red because the books fell on it.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 49 - Gorilla

Another repeat costume but this time with better payoff; Quimby literally swings from a tree in front of Inspector Gadget to give him his mission.

  WildBrain Studios

Episode 50 - Microwaves

Kind of a strange one - Gadget and Penny are at an "automat" which appears to be a room full of microwaves, and hiding in those microwaves is Chief Quimby. What do you think Quimby's next disguise will be?

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