Who actually won ''Wacky Races''?
Who was the World's Wackiest Racer? We couldn't believe the answer!

With 17 episodes and 34 races, Wacky Races is a delightfully competitive show. But, who was the actual winner? Who was crowned the World's Wackiest Racer? Definitely not Dick Dastardly.
The answer is a little more complicated than we originally thought. Overall, there are several racers who received the same amount of first place wins; Penelope Pitstop, The Anthill Mob, Lazy Luke and Blubber Bear, and Peter Perfect all won four races. After that, nearly all the other racers (except for Dick Dastardly and Muttley) have three wins each, so we are stuck at a tie.
There are many ways to score the Wacky Races, but we are scoring by the number of top three placements each car achieved. This breaks the first place ties and looks at how well each driver did over all of Wacky Races. Let's look into the stats of the racers and see who is truly the World's Wackiest Racer. The winner may surprise you!

Last Place: Dick Dastardly and Muttley in The Mean Macine
With zero wins, zero second place placements, and zero third place placements: The Mean Machine is dead last. Total Top Three Score: 0. Drat, drat, double drat!

10th Place: Sergeant Blast and Private Meekly in The Army Surplus Special
The Army Surplus Special won in "Real Gone Ape", "Hot Race at Chillicothe", and "The Ski Resort Road Race". The received second place once and never placed third.
Total Top Three Score: 4.

9th Place: Peter Perfect in The Turbo Terrific
In Peter Perfect's defense! He was more focused on impressing Penelope Pitstop than winning, and he married her so he's the real winner. Peter Perfect won ''The Zippy Mississippi Race'', ''Whizzin' to Washington'', ''The Dipsy Doodle Desert Derby'', and ''The Overseas Hi-Way Race''. His totals are four wins, two second place, and two third place placements.
Total Top Three Score: 8.

8th Place: Luke and Blubber Bear in The Arkansas Chugabug
The Arkansas Chuggabug is one of the four teams tied for most first place wins. They won four times in "Beat the Clock to Yellow Rock", "The Super Silly Swamp Sprint", "Dash to Delaware", and "Speeding for Smogland". Additionally they only received one second place and four third place placements.
Total Top Three Score: 9.

7th Place: Professor Pat Pending in The Convert-a-Car
The most inventive of the Wacky Racers, Professor Pat Pending won in ''Mish-Mash Missouri Bash'', ''Oils Well That Ends Well'', and ''Eeny, Miny, Missouri, Go!''. In addition to his three wins, he placed second twice and third five times. Total Top Three Score: 10.

6th Place: The Red Max in The Crimson Haybaler
The Red Max won first in "See-Saw to Arkansas", "By Roller Coaster to Upsan Downs", and "The Great Cold Rush". He received four 2nd place and three 3rd place positions, putting The Crimson Haybaler at a respectable 10 Top Three Score.
Note: The Red Max and Professor Pat Pending both have scores of 10, but the Red Max is placed higher because he had more second place wins.

5th Place: Penelope Pitstop in The Compact Pussycat
She's more than just a pretty face, Penelope Pitstop is ever so ever one of the Wackiest Races of all time. She placed first a total of four times in "Creepy Trip to Lemon Twist", "Traffic Jambalaya", "Ballpoint, Penn. or Bust!", and "The Carlsbad or Bust Bash". Additionally, she received two second place and five third place.
Total Top Three Score: 11.

4th Place: The Ant Hill Mob in The Bulletproof Bomb
The Ant Hill Mob scored in ''Free Wheeling to Wheeling'', ''The Dopey Dakota Derby'', ''Race Rally to Raleigh'', and ''Fast Track to Hackensack''. They also received five second place placements and two third place placements.
Total Top Three Score: 11. Just like with The Red Max and Professor Pat Pending, The Ant Hill Mob rank higher than Penelope Pitstop because they have more second place wins over third place wins.

3rd Place: The Gruesome Twosome in The Creepy Coupe
The Creepy Coupe finished first in "Why Oh Why Wyoming", "Rhode Island Road Race", and "Race to Racine". They had three first place wins, three second place positions, and six third place positions.
Total Top Three Score: 12.

2nd Place: Rufus Ruffcut and Sawtooth in The Buzzwagon
As the runner up to the ultimate victor of Wacky Races, The Buzzwagon finished first in ''Scout Scatter'', ''The Wrong Lumber Race'', and ''Wacky Race to Ripsaw''. They placed second six times and third four times.
Total Top Three Score: 13.

1st Place: The Slag Brothers in The Boulder Mobile
Who knew that smacking your brother with a club was a sure way to complete and total victory in the Wacky Races? The Slag Brothers won in ''Idaho a Go Go'', ''The Baja-Ha-Ha Race'', and ''The Speedy Arkansas Traveler''. They also placed third three times, but what put them ahead of the other racers was their eight second place spots.
Their Total Top Three Score was 14, higher than all the other racers and making them the unofficial winners of the Wacky Races!