Go camping at Jellystone Park and we'll tell you which Yogi Bear character you are!
Choose your own Jellystone Park adventure!

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Welcome to Jellystone Park! Go with us on a camping adventure and your choices will reveal which Yogi Bear character you are. The scenarios in this quiz are inspired by real-life camping survival situations! Choose wisely!
Are you smarter than the average bear? Or perhaps a little more laid back? Or maybe you're not a bear at all: let's find out!
Before you go on your trip to Jellystone - what is one must-have camping item you are packing?
What is the first thing you do when you arrive to Jellystone Park?
What is the first step in setting up a tent?
Camp is set up and the campfire is going. What snacks are you roasting on the fire?
The sun has gone to bed and so must you! What needs to happen before you snooze?
It's a beautiful morning in Jellystone park and it's time for your first hike. But first - pack a picnic basket for the hike!
As you hike further and further away from camp, the hike splits into four different paths. Choose one:
As you head down the path you hear a hissing noise from above and you see a snake hanging from a tree branch right over your head! Think fast - what do you do?
You've escaped the snake but you're lost now - and out of food. You see a picnic basket. Do you take it?
You're tired and still hiking. You reach a cave. You think you hear giggling from inside the cave. Do you check it out?
A figure steps out of the cave - it's a bear! What do you do?
The bear goes back in the cave and you continue your hike. You see a road and a circus truck drives down. What do you do?
You keep hiking and suddenly you see a ranger phone stand! Do you call the rangers for help?
You are out of luck: the rangers are busy! They tell you to head north - how do you figure out where north is?
You reach a river and you see the Jellystone sign in the distance! What do you do?
You made it back to the campground! What do you do next?
Go camping at Jellystone Park and we'll tell you which Yogi Bear character you are!
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