Solve this mystery and we'll tell you which cartoon sleuth you are
Are you a super sleuth or a casual crime solver?

© 2025 WBEI
There's been an incident at the museum, and we need your help solving the mystery! For each scenario, select the answer that will help you figure out who stole the amulet, and we will tell you which cartoon crime solver you are!
An amulet has been stolen from the museum and the museum director is asking you to help find it. What is your first step?
What's your second step of inspection?
While you inspect, the janitor pulls you aside and tell you not to trust the museum director. They think he's trying to do a coverup. What do you say?
The janitor introduces you to the archaeologist who discovered the amulet. He says there is a curse that whoever steals the amulet will turn into dust! How do you respond?
The archaeologist tells you that the amulet has a sister amulet in a different wing of the museum. What is your next step?
Closing time! The museum director tells you to leave and come back in the morning. What do you do?
As you leave, you notice some disgruntled-looking museum gift shop employees. What do you ask them?
The employees don't want to talk, but they can sneak you back into the museum. Where in the museum do you stake out?
The hours of staking out have you feeling reflective...who is your current number one suspect?
Suddenly, the power completely shuts down. In total darkness what do you do?
When the lights come back on, the amulet is missing! At the end of the hall, two thieves run in opposite directions. Which one do you follow?
The exits are locked, what do you do to capture both thieves?
You're gaining on the thief but they're too fast. Thinking quickly, what's something you can do to trap them in the museum?
The museum director arrives - it wasn't him! You pull off the masks of the thieves to reveal the disgruntled museum employees! What do you ask them?
The case is closed and the thieves are off to jail! Choose are cartoon character quote to finish off the investigation.
Solve this mystery and we'll tell you which cartoon sleuth you are
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