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Baby Looney Tunes

Watch Sundays at 7am | 6c

Toddler versions of classic Looney Tunes characters go on adventures at Granny's house.

Next Airings

Mar 16th 7:00am ET

Cat-Taz-Trophy / Duck! Monster! Duck!

The babies have a car race to win a cookie trophy./Daffy tells the babies a scary story that really scares them all, then scares them at night.

Mar 16th 7:30am ET

The Brave Little Tweety / The Puddle Olympics

The babies make Tweety brave./The babies have their own version of the Olympics with a puddle while Sylvester gets Granny to get over his fear of water.

Mar 23rd 7:00am ET

A Lot Like Lola / Mother's Day Madness

After misunderstanding a comment by Granny, Lola starts telling everyone their mistakes and saying that they should be like her. Everyone imitates Lola, which annoys her./The babies see who can make better Mother's Day cards.

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