Last Minute Cartoon Halloween Costumes
Halloween is quickly approaching - here are some quick and easy cartoon costumes!

Uh oh, did you wait too long to figure out a Halloween costume? Have no fear, MeTV Toons is here!
We have lots of fun, and more importantly, easy cartoon-themed Halloween costumes for this spooky season. These are not impressive or jaw-droppingly great costumes, but they are quick and you likely have all the materials in your home. Let's keep it easy and, more importantly, cheap this Halloween, while still having fun pretending to be our favorite cartoon characters.

Inspector Gadget
All you really need for this costume is a trench coat and a fedora (or a trilby hat if you're REALLY committed). The rest is up to you; you can go gadget-less or look around your house - maybe a flashlight or some tongs for some quick go go gadget arms. Or, if you have no gadgets, just pretend to use your hand as a phone!

Fred from Scooby-Doo
This is the Halloween costume for the truly unprepared - do you have a white shirt and jeans? Great, all you need is an orange scarf and boom - you're Fred!

Shaggy from Scooby-Doo
Another low lift costume - do you have a green shirt? No? That's okay, Red-Shirt Shaggy exists! All you have to do is work on your "Zoinks!".

Jonny Quest
Find your black turtleneck - and your sense of adventure - because you're going to be Johnny Quest for Halloween! Bonus points if you have a little stuffed (or real live) bulldog to be Bandit.

Hear us out: Underdog's super hero outfit is just a red shirt with a U on it and a blue cape. If you can find a blue cape (or blanket or topsheet or tablecloth), you are already halfway to being Underdog. Grab a red shirt you don't care about, draw a U on it, and voila you are Underdog. If you want to go over the top, make yourself some dog ears and use facepaint to give yourself a little dog nose.

Velma from Scooby-Doo
You will need two items: an orange turtleneck and a pair of glasses. The rest is just in the act and hitting your "Jinkies!" just right.

Top Cat
Grab a purple hat and vest. Use yellow construction paper to cut out two cat ears to tuck into the hat and there you go, baby! You're Top Cat now!

Winsome Witch
As a costume, is Winsome Witch that much different than all the other witches? No. But if you already have a witch hat and a broom, you can seem like you have a more interesting costume by adding a bow to your hat and dropping a few "Ooh, I love..." and "Come on, broom!". This costume is a work smarter, not harder situation.

Elmer Fudd
Another work smarter, not harder costume. You do not need perfect hunting attire to pull this off. A brown cap and a brown jacket will do perfectly fine, but you got to deliver on those wabbits.

Say it with me: Orange shirt and green pants. Get a trident if you feel like it. If you want to make a belt with an A on it, go ahead, but your efforts might be better put towards gathering nautical themed stuffed animals. Gather your creatures of the deep!

Casper the Friendly Ghost
Classics are classic for a reason! If simplicity is what you crave this Halloween, find a white sheet, cut out two eye holes, and be a friendly ghost.