Remember the animal appliances from ''The Flintstones''?
Bird record many bird record players...

One of the funniest tropes of The Flintstones is seeing 1960s appliances transformed into caveman-technology with the help of a dinosaur or another animal. From sassy bird-powered record players to tiny woolly mammoth vacuums, let's take a look at all of the prehistoric animal-powered appliances from season one.

Bird Car Horn
The bird acts as that car horn and when Barney honked it the bird said "Careful with the cold hands!" Fred was running late so the bird lost its voice from squawking so much!

Bird Sewing Machine
In a similar vein to the bird record players, the bird uses its beak as a needle to help with the sewing.

Dino Dustbin
While we aren't sure what this animal is (Dinosaur? Turtle? Unknown Reptile?) it is very handy that Wilma can lift up its shell-lid and dispose of the dust.

Fish Breadknife
Another animal where we are unsure of its species (it's giving tiny narwhal) but we are very sure of its function which is to slice bread.

Garbage Disposal
Please write in and let us know which animal you think this is because it has bird and reptile features so...maybe it's some sort of dinosaur? Whatever it is, it lives underneath the Flintstones' sink and eats their garbage.

Camera Bird
How it works: You press a button to take the picture, then a little bird pops out to etch the image onto a tiny stone tablet inside. It's like a prehistoric polaroid!

Turtle Motor Boat
Turtles are one of the most commonly used appliance-animals in the Flintstones universe! One of Fred and Barney's coworkers uses a turtle as a drill, but most often turtles are drums (usually played by Barney). This one is a boat motor that Fred and Barney used on their fishing trip.

Pelican Laundry Machine
How it works: Wilma pours the detergent powder and clothes into the pelican's cartoonishly large mouth, then the pelican closes its mouth and shakes its head around to wash the clothes.

Bird Record Player
If only one animal appliance shows up in an episode of The Flintstones, it's usually the bird record player! The bird's beak acts as the needle that plays the record.

Perhaps the only animal in the show that's not super prehistoric, Wilma knits with a regular, plain old sheep. She knits straight off of the sheep, no yarn required!

Mail Bird
When Wilma and Betty enter their recipe in a contest, Fred puts the recipe in the mail and yells "Air mail!" into the mailbox. Then, this little bird pops out and flies away with the mail.

Mammoth Vacuum
Wilma has three different mammoth vacuums in Season 1 and they all basically have the same structure: tiny mammoth on wheels, sometimes with a stick handle, and Wilma is using the trunk as a vacuum hose. Honestly, the cutest of the animal appliances.

Mammoth Shower
Mammoths do a lot of things in the Flintstones universe! Both the Flintstones and the Rubbles have mammoth showers and sinks. The Rubbles' mammoth is named Trixie and the Flintstone's is named Henry.

Armadillo Police Car
Large vehicles in the Flintstones world are usually dinosaurs (the bus is an apatosaurus, the firetruck is a stegosaurus, etc.), so the police using a giant armadillo is unusual.

Cuckoo Clock
In the Flintstones universe, the cuckoo clock has a real bird inside!

Bird Hedge Clippers
Keeping hedges pristine was of the highest importance in prehistoric times.

Like Wilma having multiple vaccuums, Barney has multiple lawnmowers. One is a bird, one is a dinosaur, and this is by far the most sensible one because it's a giant crab, so it can use its claws to cut the grass!

Dino Can Opener
Such a cute lil guy! This can opener was the cause of a fight between Fred and Barney because Fred borrowed it from Barney and forgot to return it...for like, months. The dino even said "I like the Rubbles' better!"