How well do you remember the first episode of ''Heathcliff and Marmaduke?''
Heathcliff and Marmaduke - what a wacky pair!

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This quiz is to see how well you remember the very first episode of The Heathcliff and Marmaduke Show. Each episode is broken down into three segments: two Marmaduke shorts and one Heathcliff short.
There is also a riddle section called "Marmaduke's Riddles." This quiz will test your memory and your love of Heathcliff and Marmaduke - are you up to the challenge?
In the first segment, "Home Run Rover," Billy and Barbie have a baseball game that Marmaduke can't go to. Why do they decide he can go?
What are the names of the two baseball teams?
How does Billy get his first out?
What special pitch does the other team's pitcher use?
How does Billy score the winning run?
What was the Marmaduke Riddle?
In the Heathcliff segment, "Gator Go Round," an alligator crawls out of the sewer. How is he feeling?
The alligator sees Heathcliff eating a sandwich. What does he think?
Heathcliff and the alligator both climb into a tree. What does the alligator do?
Which disguises does the alligator wear?
Heathcliff cooks his "specialty" for the alligator. What is that?
In the Marmaduke segment, "PlayGrounded," how does Barbie try to save the playground?
How well do you remember the first episode of ''Heathcliff and Marmaduke?''
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