Tell us your Valentine's Day opinions and we will give you a Looney Tune to watch!
More like Valen-tunes Day!

LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI
Love is in the air and Bugs Bunny and Friends is on the TV! Whether you have a Valentine or you're flying solo, we have a Looney Tune for you!
Tell us about how you feel about these Valentine's Day treats and traditions, and we'll tell you which Valentine's Day themed Looney Tune cartoon you should watch! Are you a lighthearted romantic like Bugs or do loathe romance like Yosemite Sam? Take this quiz and find out!
Who do you write Valentine's Day cards for?
What kind of treats do you like to receive on Valentine's Day?
When you open up a box of chocolates: what do you hope to find inside?
Who is your favorite cartoon couple?
If you don't have a date, what are you doing on Valentine's Day?
If you do have a date, what are you doing on Valentine's Day?
What Valentine's Day tradition should be banned?
What's an old Valentine's Day tradition that should be brought back?
Which cartoon character would you like to be your fictional Valentine?
Finish the poem: Roses are red, violets are blue _______.
Tell us your Valentine's Day opinions and we will give you a Looney Tune to watch!
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