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Bugs Bunny and Friends

Weekdays at 9am | 8c & 8pm | 7c, Saturday at 8pm | 7c, Sunday at 12pm | 11c

The greatest animated characters and cartoons produced at Warner Bros. legendary Termite Terrace. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Road Runner and all their friends are featured here weekly.

Next Airings

Mar 14th 9:00am ET

Hot Cross Bunny - 1948

Bugs Bunny is a science research test subject for the switching of his brain with a chicken.

The Wacky Worm - 1941

A determined crow comes across a wacky worm.

Weasel While You Work - 1958

During a snow-covered winter, Foghorn Leghorn uses the weasel against the barn's guard dog.

Hollywood Daffy - 1946

Straight off the bus, Daffy kisses the floor when he gets to Hollywood. He wants to get into the studio so bad that he tries every disguise he can think up, impersonating tour guides, celebrities, directors, even the Academy Oscar!

Hush My Mouse - 1946

At Tuffy's Tavern, tough guy Edward G. Robincat comes in for today's special, Mouse Knuckles.

The Fair Haired Hare - 1951

A fight breaks out over property when Yosemite Sam builds his house over Bug Bunny's underground house. A judge rules that they must share it until one of them shall pass on. Thus begins Sam's attempts to out the rabbit.

Mar 14th 8:00pm ET

Apes of Wrath - 1959

The Ducksters - 1950

Sniffles Bells the Cat - 1941

Zoom At The Top - 1962

Freudy Cat - 1964

Wild Wild World - 1960

A Fractured Leghorn - 1950

Baton Bunny - 1959

Love And Curses - 1938

A Tale Of Two Kitties - 1942

Mouse Menace - 1946

Porky The Giant Killer - 1939

Rabbit's Feat - 1960

Mar 15th 8:00pm ET

Blooper Bunny - 1997

Feather Dusted - 1955

The Weakly Reporter - 1944

The Whizzard Of Ow - 2003

Golden Yeggs - 1950

There Auto Be A Law - 1953

Home, Tweet Home - 1950

Hare Ribbin - 1944

Ain't We Got Fun - 1937

Daffy Duck & Egghead - 1938

Porky's Hotel - 1939

Wabbit Who Came To Supper - 1942

Mar 16th 12:00pm ET

Tortoise Wins By A Hare - 1943

Little Red Walking Hood - 1937

Super Snooper - 1952

I Haven't Got A Hat - 1935

Toy Trouble - 1941

Acrobatty Bunny - 1946

Mar 17th 9:00am ET

Sahara Hare - 1955

Odor-able Kitty - 1945

Catty Cornered - 1953

Nasty Quacks - 1945

A Bear For Punishment - 1951

A Star Is Bored - 1956

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