Popeye and Pals
Weekdays at 1pm | 12c
©KFS ™ Hearst
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Mar 27th 1:00pm ET
Me Feelins Is Hurt - 1940
Popeye learns Olive is through with sailors and has gone West, "where men are men."
Quiet! Pleeze - 1941
Popeye starts a one-man anti-noise campaign when his Pappy suffers that "morning-after" feeling and street sounds aggravate it.
Bungled Bungalow
Magoo tangles with theives who steal his house.
Nurse to Meet Ya - 1955
Popeye and Bluto compete for Olive's affections by trying to quiet the crying Swee'Pea.
Taxi-Turvy - 1954
Popeye and Bluto compete in the taxi business.
Betty Boop with Henry the Funniest Living American - 1935
Henry gets a job at Betty Boop's pet store.
Hospitaliky - 1937
Nurse Olive Oyl tells Popeye and Bluto that she cannot take care of them unless they are really hurt.
Mar 28th 1:00pm ET
Beware of Barnacle Bill - 1935
Popeye and Olive sing their way through this cartoon in operetta style.
Mutiny Ain’t Nice - 1938
As Popeye's ship prepares to sail, Olive falls into a trunk and is carried aboard unnoticed.
Christopher Crumpet
Spoiled little boy turns himself into a chicken.
Big Bad Sindbad - 1952
Popeye tells his nephews about the time he bested Sinbad.
Ding Dong Doggie - 1937
Pudgy disobeys Betty and goes with a dalmatian to a fire.
Sock a Bye Baby - 1934
Popeye tries to keep a sleeping baby from waking up and crying.
Mar 31st 1:00pm ET
A Balmy Swami - 1949
Popeye and Olive Oyl attend a vaudeville show. The magician is Bluto in Swami's clothing and with his shenanigans succeeds in putting Olive under his spell.
Shiver Me Timbers! - 1934
Popeye is attracted to an old weather-beaten ship bearing a sign "Ghost Ship - Beware" and he explores it with Olive Oyl and Wimpy as his unwilling companions.
Pete Hothead
Pete Hothead receives a parrot from a store rather than the radio he ordered.
Ration Fer the Duration - 1943
Popeye's nephews would rather go fishing than work in his victory garden, so he tells them the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.
Happy You and Merry Me - 1936
A stray kitten wanders into Betty Boop's house.
It’s the Natural Thing to Do - 1939
Persuaded by Olive Oyl that the public might like them in a different role, Popeye and Bluto attempt to be sophisticated men-about-town.
Apr 1st 1:00pm ET
Popeye Meets William Tell - 1949
Popeye has need of his spinach when he poses as William Tell's son for the big apple-shooting contest, especially when he finds that the old man's aim isn't what it used to be!
Hold the Wire - 1936
Bluto's sneaky work over the telephone wires leading to Olive's home gets Popeye in trouble with her.
Dance teacher Miss Placement is dismayed to learn that the head of the School of Ballet where she teaches has entered her beginners class in a contest just three weeks away.
Goonland - 1938
Popeye sails in search of his father, Poopdeck, who has been missing for forty years.
Betty Boop and the Little King - 1936
The Little King meets Betty Boop.
Cartoons Ain’t Human - 1943
Popeye creates his own cartoon idea and casts himself as the hero and Olive as the heroine in a spoof of an old-fashioned melodrama.
Apr 2nd 1:00pm ET
The House Builder-upper - 1938
When Olive Oyl's house burns down, firefighters Popeye and Wimpy decide to build a new house with disastrous results.
How Green Is My Spinach - 1950
To finally defeat Popeye, Bluto sets out to destroy the spinach crop.
Magoo's Glorious Fourth
Magoo mistakes fireworks for garden plants.
Morning, Noon and Night Club - 1937
Popeye temporarily drops his nautical air to become a night club dancer, all for Olive's sake.
Be Kind to “Aminals” - 1935
Popeye and Olive see Bluto driving a wagon hitting his weak-looking horse because he cannot pull the wagon.
Musical Mountaineers - 1939
Betty Boop runs out of gas in a hillbilly town.
Wild Elephinks - 1933
Floating on a raft, Popeye and Olive Oyl land on a jungle island.
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