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Weeknights at 4am | 3c

In the year 2065, the Tracy family run International Rescue - a top-secret organization whose ongoing mission is to rescue people trapped in extraordinarily dangerous situations using their advanced Thunderbirds machines.

Next Airings

Mar 13th 4:00am ET

Cry Wolf

Two boys play at being International Rescue, their small transmitters accidentally contact the real International Rescue and spark a full blown rescue. After hearing the boys' story, Scott decides to take the children to International Rescues secret location. Later the same children go out and play. This time they get into real trouble and International Rescue has to decide is the call real or are the children crying wolf again

Mar 14th 4:00am ET

Danger at Ocean Deep

A new tanker, the Ocean Pioneer is lost under mysterious circumstances. The team at International Rescue work to understand the reasons behind the loss. They discover the tragic truth behind the loss just as the latest Ocean Pioneer begins the same fatal voyage

Mar 15th 4:00am ET

Move - And You're Dead

Alan returns to motor racing and attracts the attention of a rival team who want access to Brains' advanced designs. He along with Grandma are left to die on an abandoned bridge with a motion sensitive bomb. International Rescue must figure out how to both rescue Alan and Grandma and to stop the bomb from destroying the bridge

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R.I.P. David Graham, longtime voice actor from ''Thunderbirds'', ''Supercar'', ''Doctor Who'' and more
The voice behind "Thunderbirds", "Fireball XL5", and "Peppa Pig" will be dearly missed. He was 99 years old.

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