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Weeknights at 4am | 3c

In the year 2065, the Tracy family run International Rescue - a top-secret organization whose ongoing mission is to rescue people trapped in extraordinarily dangerous situations using their advanced Thunderbirds machines.

Next Airings

Mar 28th 4:00am ET

Alias Mr. Hackenbacker

A plane designed by Brains is hijacked with Lady Penelope on board. International Rescue are contacted and must diffuse a tense situation and ensure that the plane somehow lands safely.

Mar 29th 4:00am ET

Lord Parker's 'Oliday

A critical piece of a solar power station is destroyed in a storm. Now a town is threatened by uncontrolled heat from the sun. The International Rescue team must find a way to shut the system down before the whole town is destroyed.

Apr 1st 4:00am ET


A pirate radio station in orbit suffers a malfunction and begins to crash back to Earth - International rescue must save the disc jockey on board and try to stop the craft from landing in a populated area.

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R.I.P. David Graham, longtime voice actor from ''Thunderbirds'', ''Supercar'', ''Doctor Who'' and more
The voice behind "Thunderbirds", "Fireball XL5", and "Peppa Pig" will be dearly missed. He was 99 years old.

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